Saturday, September 8, 2007

Labor Day in South Beach

Here is the state of the quilt at the beginning of September. The post is a little late getting up because I was in South Miami Beach over Labor Day. Went to Florida to visit my kids. Made good progress this month, as you can see. In the third photo, you can see me quilting pool-side. I completed the next large light purple flower. I've written on the back of the flower that it was done in South Beach 9/2007. Since I travel with my travel quilting kit, I work on the quilt whenever I'm on vacation. I'm going to start labeling where a particular flower was assembled (if it is an "exotic" location). Well, let's see how September goes, I think I'll make lots more progress.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Julia says you are "so doing 'Flat Stanley'" and we loved looking at your pictures! J-RO