Here are a few pictures showing the state of the quilt on 1-1-11 (that is a lot of ones!). A full 9 rows have been completed and the pattern has certainly emerged. I believe the quilt is about 1/2 finished. As I was finishing this last row, the quilt requested (actually it sounded more like a demand) that it be taken some where warmer. It was sick of winter and wanted to get away for a little relief. Of course, being someone who also hates winter, I was quick to comply.

I like this zoomed in picture with none of the edges in evidence.
So... where did the quilt get to go? Where in the U.S. would there be the best possibility of warm weather. My first thought was Florida, but hey, it's been cold down there too this winter. Then it hit me.... Hawaii.... guaranteed warmth.
Here the quilt continues its preoccupation with flags. I had to continually remind the quilt that it was still in the U.S. and not in a foreign country. We heard other tourist talking about their trip to Hawaii being their first outside of the country. Americans are NOT known for their geographical prowess.

If anyone watches Hawaii 5 0, they are sure to recognize the next couple of photos. The Hilton Hawaiian Village has been featured quite prominently on the show. Friends David and Cathy stayed in the Rainbow Tower. The grounds were remarkable, everything you could want including 2 Starbucks and drum roll...... Lappert's Ice Cream!
This building and statue also figure quite prominently in Hawaii 5 0. While in real life it is the Judiciary Building and King Kamehameha, in the TV show it is the Hawaii 5 0 Headquarters and King Kamehameha. You might not be able to tell in the picture, but the quilt was quite impressed.
And what is a trip to Oahu without a picture of Waikiki and Diamond Head.
A fact that few people know is that Hawaii was a Kingdom. Which means, of course, they had Kings and Queens. What it also means is that there is a royal palace. The Iolani Palace is the only royal palace in the U.S.
Finally, we'll end with a picture of Scott Caan (Hawaii 5 0's Danno). The quilt was witness to the filming of an episode of Hawaii 5 0 on the grounds of the Hilton Hawaiian Village. It wanted to have a picture taken with Scott Caan, but he was rather aloof, so the quilt settled for a picture taken with the telephoto lens.